My First Lace Shawl
Are you ready to go beyond knits and purls and try lace? We get you start with a basic lace shawl in one evening. No tiny needles and no skinny yarn. Yo can make a lovely simple wrap using 2 skeins of Malabrigo Rios and a size US 8-9 circular needle. The pattern is repeating,. All you have to do is learn the repeating pattern on the front an you purl back on the back and you can do this shawl. Yo just need to know how to cast on, knit, and purl to join the class. If you need to review these we have private lessons and drop-in help classes to bring you up to speed. You attend class in person or via Zoom.
When: Friday, Jan 27th
Time: 7-9p.m.
2 Skeins of Malabrigo Rios
US 8-9 32" circular needles
Stitch Markers
Tapestry Needles
Pattern will be provided
Yarn in Picture is not available in the Shop.